Gift Wrapping Service
We love it when you come looking for a gift to Filia ⋆♡ whether you know exactly what you want or need some help thinking of ideas and suggestions, seeing each person pay attention to the search and finding exactly that thing that is going to be the perfect gift makes us feel special.
We had been thinking about how to make it even more special and cute and finally the ✶ gift wrapping service ✶ is available for all orders in store and online.
It includes a sticker pack with original drawings, each made with intention, a postcard to write personalized messages (we have colored pens and nice handwriting), ribbons, and our very beautiful wrapping paper.
Add a note to the order with your message or leave the postcard blank for the recipient to write whatever is on their mind, and a carefully wrapped package will arrive wherever it is needed.
With love ⋆♡
Filia <3
*the gift wrapping service is only available when made with another purchase, the sticker sheet can be purchased individually